
Its the depression that she still hasn’t gotten the call. People have been complaining about having another proper metroid game, and that hasn’t happened arguably since the Gamecube.

I’m excited about Fire Emblem Heroes. It will be my very first fire emblem game because I have not owned a nintendo system since the super nes. I know it won’t be as feature rich but I’m still excited.

Serena messed him up. He hasn’t been good since

I’ve been playing x-com for years and I think Long War 2 is the most fun I’ve had. The major hurdle when starting is getting used to the whole mission infiltration system. You have to not take every job that comes up if you can’t field a large enough squad to pull it off or if it has a short timer infiltration timer.

Just keep telling yourself... white people were really worried about jobs you guys. It makes me feel so much better every night.

Do they even know how to drain swamp,bro? Hell, when even trump psuedo calls you out on it , you’ve done fucked up.

Sorry, I’m not over here gleefully smiling.. just way too sad and getting sadder everyday.

This shit deadpool includes Queen Elizabeth, Stan Lee, and Betty White

Lots of Cosplay and comics and stuff done just around this tracer comic. I like the impact that it’s having on people.

If he said something bad trump would have to respond

I guessed that precisely because the person who tells you that needs you to do all the work so they can be at home with their special snowflake daughter.

Can’t wait to see what the alternative universe/ right wing/ misleading version of this story and headline are. “Obama to dismantle successful terrorism fighting tool to sabotage Trump.”

It almost borders on false advertising. J/k. I think the way the events played out in this version its way more plausible. ( Spoiler Alert)

Nope, Nope, Nope. Merry Christmas!!!

Fuck it, I’ll say it. I miss George W Bush as POTUS.

Just here to say that I feel the exact same way. Knowing how imperfect the justice system is it would be a travesty to put down an innocent person period. There are a lot of people who don’t believe anyone convicted is ever truly innocent. In the case of Roof, clearly he’s guilty, but I don’t know how much of a

Joan is the goddess of offices everywhere. I pray to her each day to be able to survive work.

THis is not normal... this is not...

Wait a minute did he say this for real. What a fucking dick.

So what does this mean in real terms? It means that trump can shape perception of the U.S on his terms. If he wants to make it seem like the U.S. really loves him he can? Does anyone understand the implications of this regarding media that is mostly consumed outside of our borders?