
I have a huge problem with the President describing the US military as ‘his.’ I did not swear an oath to him. I swore it to the Constitution of the United States. He is the Commander-in-Chief, but the military belongs to the United States, and to the citizens of this country.

I support this post.

2016 was the whirl around the drain. In 2017, we’re riding the pipes all the way to the water treatment plant with all the shit.

I believe to work it, you just put the thing down, flip it and reverse it. After that, you must chant “Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup, Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup.” Once done properly, the process is complete.

Well, if you’ve got your jacket buttoned properly, you can’t see just how far down the tie goes. Dave Letterman used to make fun of this - he’d hold his jacket open and you’d see just how stupidly long his necktie was (they were usually way longer than they should be).

Trump’s just not smart enough to use buttons or

I can’t listen to him speak anymore, at all. I have to change the channel or radio station or I get queasy and angry. I can still get through transcripts without wanting to die but it gets harder every day.

Why are all of his statements couched in the most ridiculous superlatives? WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT YOUR SHITTY CHOCOLATE CAKE OR HOW BIG IT WAS!!!!

Fuuuuuuuuck. His word vomit is so painful to even read. Guys... it hasn’t even been 3 months.

Well, at least he remembered how big the cake was. The devil is in the details, you know?

That’s Olympic level whitewashing.

Intentional or not, it further shows this Administration has pushed what many refer to as “soft” or “softcore” Holocaust Denial. “Not his own people” is a frightening statement about what the Nazis did that is historically inaccurate but more important, pushes the actual Nazi idea that Jews within the German borders

I mean, his clarification was basically that Hitler may rounded up and gassed a lot of Jews, but even he didn’t go *into towns* and drop said gas on innocent people. On his own people.

On Inauguration Day, my friend and I went to the liquor store at 10am (YAY college town!) and found Hammer & Sickle Vodka. Not even kidding. We bought that, and made white russians with orange zest and Grand Marnier. It was amazing.

I will! This story has a stickiness to it that I haven’t been able to wrap my brain around yet.

Lol! Thank you Tiffany!

A big empty fireworks display with an estimated cost of over $50 million for the missiles alone. Heckuva job, Trump.

The issue behind the case of “Trump’s Hurt Fee-Fees v. Freedom of Expression/the Press via Twitter” is still a big fucking deal. Just because each party has tucked their respective dicks back into their trousers doesn’t mean this isn’t still a scary thing. I almost wanted this to go to trial expressly to see Trump

Toxic narcissist & sociopath, not psychopath

Look, just because I’m being silent doesn’t mean I’m being silent. It just means I’m being. Silently.

Well, plenty of kids are abused, but manage to grow the fuck up and not follow in the abuser’s destructive footsteps. Ivanka Trump is yet another corrupt piece of shit. She doesn’t deserve a pass just because her dad is a fucking creep.