
The Defunding of theUN Population fund might be the stupidest, short-sighted, most reprehensible act this administration has done thus far.

Also Ivanka said she is not complicit.  

What is even his reasoning behind this latest attack on women, does anyone know? 

Honestly, a slow news day is kind of refreshing after the relentless onslaught of fuckery the past few months have been.

This is a terrible idea. I say this because I think I could be a good catch for someone. I have a great job, I dress well, have amazing friends, care for the environment, better than normal hygiene, work out when I can, etc. But I still don’t want anyone to see a binder of my flaws. Because that binder would be a 5

You know what they say:

Bumping into someone and hitting it off is pretty rare in real life, I think, unless you’re involved in some kind of activity/club/job/group that means you meet a ton of people. If your friends are genuine, they’re not going to think that you’re desperate for telling them that you’re looking to meet people and it’s a

I am big on essential oils for sleep. A warm shower, fresh sheets, a sleep blend oil or just lavender mixed with soap on my loofah, then coconut oil + sleep essential oil on my feet, and getting off any type of screen one hour minimum before sleep. I’ll read instead. Oh! And shaving my legs! Something about smooth

I could sleep, like professionally. I love it so much. I rarely get adequate sleep lately because of hormonal surges. All of the following advice really helps, no tv in bedroom, go to bed and wake up at same time, cut back on caffeine and alcohol in the evening. I do a shamanic mediation in the morning with a

Last week I found out I was being laid off.

not quite

I’ve heard good things about Private Internet Access (PIA) as well.

Well, obviously you should go! Science needs as many supporters as it can get right now.

I’m still planning on going, because the only way it is going to get less male and less white is if non-male and non-white people get involved. Plus, I believe that science is a real thing and not a hoax made up by the Chinese.

Yeah, I find the tidbit about not going to events where alcohol is served without her the weirdest part. Like, not even just “don’t drink without me” but “don’t be around alcohol at all without me.” That is the least normal thing here. What the hell did Pence do the last time he got drunk without Mother there?

This image seems to make me laugh (guiltily) with no end

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

Same effects too.

“That was some weird shit.”

I don’t see daughter-wife listed anywhere in that statute. Loophole!