
Gillibrand, yes. I think Kamala Harris is great but she needs more experience. Maybe in 2028.

Absolutely. What a travesty. Can you imagine if slavery were up for debate, each time a new administration was inaugurated? Absurd and pathetic.

This makes sense! I’ve often used Citrix at home and only used VPN a couple of times at my old job. Thanks for explaining it to me!

Thanks! This is like, his ONE bad behavior (other than interrupting me), and he did help hubby hang curtain rods and was fun and nice generally...just annoying, and very stressful when I mentioned a few times that we could watch hgtv or something more fun. I must be what they call a snowflake 😂

It’s not an ‘ear’. It’s a head-side-asshole. It takes in air, which the head-pouch heats and then expels through the front-head-asshole.

Hmm. I assume that ISPs for healthcare organizations and financial institutions will have to maintain strict privacy protections. I’ve worked at several hospitals and know that doctors and researchers don’t always require a VPN to access patient charts from home. The electronic medical record system can be accessed

Assuming your VPN isn’t already selling your information.

Yeah but coal mining is pretty sweet if you own a coal mining company.

Have we talked today about what a fucking piece of shit Trump is? I don’t feel like I’ve voiced my daily affirmations yet.

Getting rid of environmental regulations to save coal jobs is like getting rid of animal abuse laws to save the horse and buggy industry when cars were invented.

My husband just agreed to do this-I’ve always been a little hesitant to ask him to do it since it felt so antagonistic, and blindsiding him felt shitty but I guess the timing was perfect since he just watched his brother repeatedly walk into our living room as I prepped major meals to feed the family and turn on that

Lindsey Graham was on Fox News spouting some FUCKING nonsense about how the Dems ruined FUCKING healthcare by not bending over and taking it up the FUCKING ass with Ryan’s AHCA bullshit. He can rot with the rest of them.

This is SO true. I used to get so mad at old-timers who said stuff and then, when you disagreed, said crap like, “what, I’m just sayin’ what everyone else thinks.” Like, fuck you old man, I am NOT thinking that.

Fellow white person experiencing the same thing, and I don’t even live in the Deep South anymore. It’s chilling.

It’s honestly emboldened white people in general (disclosure: white person, here).

I’d pour out a beer for him.

One really sick part about this whole thing is that this is how A LOT of white people talk when no one else is around. The Trump era has made people think this is OK to not only say while at home, but on national television. People need to be publicly shamed for saying shit like this.

These men, these trash piece of shit men like O’Reilly and Trump, love to insult women’s looks. They think it’s like a shot to the core or something. That something so trite is cutting or even witty.

Jesus, if he wasn’t a terrorist, he would have been a serial killer with that look. There is nothing to those eyes. Lifeless, dull eyes. (And I just want to take a pair of scissors and cut off that lock of hair that doesn’t know if it wants to become bangs or not.)

Now playing

I have decided any time I have to read news on Trump & Co. I am going to play this in the background: