
They’ve also been all in on renewable energy and high efficiency batteries, because well duh, it costs a HUGE amount of energy, time, money and logistics to haul fuel halfway across the goddamm world, not to mention it’s dangerous.

Oh please, Mr President. I can’t stand winning this much. Can we please stop winning for a minute?

Hmm, for VERY DIFFERENT REASONS, it got a bit dusty in my room on the night Obama won and the night Trump won.

I guess that’s why he said we’d win so much we’d be sick of winning?

That bothered me too. Most companies are not well-run. The bigger they are the more inefficient and bureaucratic they tend to be. This is just the first step in privatizing everything so 45 and his cronies can hoard even more money.


And “customers.” Not your customer, sweetie, I’m your BOSS.

Capitalism run unchecked, will as a matter of course, destroy that which is good for society at large. With restraints, it usually takes a little longer, but eventually, the restraints are overcome or circumvented, and the forces at work do their damage, and I think that is what we are seeing happen in America.

It’s even worse than that. Not only do the “poorest and most vulnerable” not have any worth in this system, but for quite a few years now the GOP is pretty clear that they don’t even give a fuck about the actual middle class, either. At this point, they are only working for the wealthy.

“an offensive team”

Businesses are run with only the bottom line and enrichment of investors/stockholders in mind.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

Doesn’t Pirro sound drunk in that clip? I mean like a drunk guy trying to buy three bags of marshmallows, a pack of Camels, and a can of Vienna Sausages in the bodega and over-enunciating every word to the point that the cashier can’t understand a thing he’s saying. “Berries? What kind of berries?” “No, god...damnit.

A wet tissue paper tiger by the way he bites.

McCain is a paper tiger.

And why does he have to stand behind women like that?

I think the word you’re looking for is tremendous. ;)

I don’t get how he can think ‘blaming’ the Democrats makes them look bad?Surely fighting against a bad Republican bill and winning is good and shows potential for resistance Trump should be scared of.

Yeah, I was not happy about this. But we gotta keep our eyes on the prize, I guess.