
No one is commenting because we don’t know his net worth...or any debts to foreign banks that he might have...if only there was some way to figure those type of things out. Oh, well..

3. It’s especially fucked up because their official line now is that this was something that Trump was considering since at least election night and they have been planning this for at least a week. That means, if they are to be trusted (they’re not), it was their intent for him to find out in that superbly shitty

Oh yeah, Trump definitely fired Comey over the way he handled Hillary’s emails, giving the election to Trump. It DEFINITELY has nothing to do with the FBI investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. Definitely...

I like to think I have a well-developed and robust vocabulary, yet I find myself in a sub-verbal howl of rage and despair so fucking often of late. Today has made me roar in frustration and disappointment.

I went to an MMA fight last month and a NASCAR race broke out.

Reading his spoken words makes me FUCKING STABBY. He is so unbelievably good (?) at stringing words together without saying anything at all. Pronouns are this man’s favorite thing.

Aren’t these the same people that get all pissy about participation trophies for kids’ sports? “Pussification” and all that? That’s the equivalent for the presidency. “Well you tried, here are some orange slices to go with your face”

Goes through a grueling trial. Barely escapes jail. At first he thinks it’s business as usual, rich shit getting out of jail for free. But his assets are seized and frozen. He’s broke, destitute. He’s stuck with Melania, too, and she with him. They hate each other but can’t separate. His kids are disrespected

Exactly. Dipshit forgets that his Twitter is public record. Because it’s public, and he’s the fucking president.

Elevators never arrive when he is waiting for one, and escalators are always broken when he is around. He always, always, always has to take the stairs.

The only real punishment for a narcissist is to be ignored. So my wish is for him to walk around in perpetual invisibility, randomly screaming “I’M PRESIDENT TRUMP!!” while passersby only feel a slight stirring of the air and smell a faint whiff of self-tanner.

He’s just standing in place surrounded by people pointing and laughing at his penis.

Deep poverty and chronic illness, in a red state that has dismantled the social safety net.

That birthday post is the best!

Having a parent with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is like being a chicken who was raised by a fox. I loathe that fucking woman, but I imagine her upbringing as an emotional horrorshow.

I played this role when I was a child...then I grew up. It’s not the easiest habit to kick, but at some point in your life you have to start taking responsibility for yourself.

I empathize totally with this. I try to check myself, but often fail. It’s like anxious is my default setting most of the time.

If I had a nickel for every thing religious people were hypocritical about, well, I wouldn’t be here chatting on Jezebel. I’d be sipping a blue drink on my hundred million dollar yacht.

The people who voted for Trump don’t have the first clue what “Brexit” is.

Most Americans don’t know what Brexit is.