
Oh come on now. The tweet was perfectly worded and 100% rational.

Have you heard the fake good news?

I recently had an emergency appendectomy. All the bills combined would have ran me about $35k. How many iPhones is that?

“Hmmm...alternative theory:

I have to admit that was my first thought. They deserve prison, but thirteen years seems strong.
But also, fuck ‘em. It’s the worst combination of dumb, hateful and scary shit to pull.
13 years is no joke though. They’ll have a long damn time to think about it.

Slight lol at the “It wasn’t me” Shaggy defense

DeVos has millions of dollars invested in companies that hold assets in for-profit colleges. She has investments in for-profit day care. She has investments in education services companies. She has investments in undisclosed other education-related companies.

This is all about greed. Not stupidity, not malice (other

Unlike the angry crowds at Tea Party protests, which were completely spontaneous. They were drawn together by the gravity created by their massive mediocre white man egos.

This is a bummer man.......

That would insinuate that he gave a shit about the Middle East, outside of his own financial interestes.

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*

Any leader who calls a free and independent press “the enemy of the people” is an existential threat to democracy.

He knows that would make him a historical laughing stock for all time.

What an incredible and insufferable crybaby this President is.

The question on “what if republicans obstructed Obama like the Democrats are doing to trump”. Ummm, what. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck??!!

I watched the whole thing because I’m full of self-loathing

This survey from baby hands popped on Facebook. Everyone should take it because it’s about media accountability and you can type out answers.

Sean Hannity has to eat wearing an eyepatch and with a cork on his fork.

here is cliff notes: me, me, me I am perfect, me, me, I WON!!! Looooooosers!! Hillary is THE DEVIL AND A LOOSER!!! me, me, me, something about Uranus, i mean Uranium. Obama is a LOOSER!!! I love Jews/blacks. Putin is my best friend, i mean brother in charge from another mother, that i never met. ME ME ME ME . I WON, I

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