
Someone needs to send one of these to DeVoss with a note that reads: “Get the message? Last time we had someone in charge of education who was so bad, it needed wizards and centaurs to get rid of her!”

Some GOP Congressional ass was just on CNN barking about how awful it is that a private citizen like Flynn in December was spied on. Thankfully, Don Lemon was smart enough to correct him that they were routine taps on the Russian ambassador and Flynn was the moron who walked into the trap. Yes. I said “Don Lemon was

“His hands really are that small!”

May I suggest Orangutwat?

I’m embarrassed that the only lasting thought I had about this press conference was, “BUTTON YOUR FUCKING JACKET, YOU SLOB!”

Sorry, love, nearing a second doctorate is more than moderately well-educated.

I once had a very wealthy boss who’d gotten where he was largely due to his father’s business initiatives. When I requested a new computer, he asked me to write up a “formal proposal”. It was about three pages of explanation (he wasn’t technical in the least - couldn’t even figure out a copier) punctuated by three or

Oh yeah. I get this a LOT from relatives and friends, particularly now that my mother is getting older and developing some health issues. Will I be sad when my mother dies? Sure. I’m guessing I’ll also be relieved, angry, frustrated, and a whole raft of other emotions. This shit isn’t simple. However, I’m positive

It took therapy for me to cut ties off completely with my father - my brothers sometimes hint that I should give him a chance, but fuck that. Therapy has also helped me not to mind my mother so much (I still see her but very very little). In “short”, a couple years in therapy have been the answer for me, and also a

Reading that was cathartic and I empathize with the daughter. I was abused as a kid and I’m currently trying to negotiate and grapple with both loving my parents and being angry with them. They pretty much refuse to acknowledge the damage and hurt they inflicted and just deflect and guilt trip. It is not helpful when

Yeah, I’ve heard the whole “blood is thicker than water” argument and I’m always like, um, no? Just because you are related to someone does not give that person the right to abuse you, nor should it be tolerated as acceptable behavior.

This woman is my hero.

Damnit now I want a fucking cookie.

The Germans have a word: “Backpfiefengesicht”

um.....Lock Her Up?

So it never occurred to anyone to ask the White House staff how to turn on the lights?

The courts are packed with judges who put right-wing ideology ahead of the law. At this point, we should take absolutely nothing for granted. Cheetolini has been in violation of the constitution from the moment he was sworn in. The republicans have done squat.

Pretty sure that’s Hitler in the second row.