
No, that is the opposite of what you should be doing. Look, we are in this mess because both sides have been digging their heels in the dirt and not budging. We need the right side to wake up and realize the mistake they have made and come over to our side. The only way we can make the Republican party listen is to

This is so heartbreaking. I hate being complicit in this. I didn’t vote for Trump, I actively campaigned for HRC, but I am still complicit. We all are. And we should all feel shame today.

Fax! Fax your letters. Use HelloFax.

Yup, the same party that claims life is so sacred but cheers as the door is slammed to these children living in unimaginable circumstances. Bunch of hypocrites.

I refuse to call them anti-choice. They are FORCED BIRTH and nothing more. A group who claims life is so sacred they vote against literally every life saving measure for living human beings. WIC that could help millions of toddlers? Fuck ‘em says the GOP. Affordable healthcare? Fuck ‘em. Head Start programs that shows

For fucks sake, don’t want an abortion..........don’t get one!

I called Mitch McConnell’s office just a few hours ago (he’s one of my senators) and got an “all circuits are busy” message. No voicemail, no way to leave any message. Just basically “sucks to be you.”

Thank fucking god I don’t have a Republican senator.

Joke’s on them! It doesn’t make me feel powerless, it fills me with a rightful and spiteful rage that only means I am going to try harder and be even MORE annoying and persistent.

The reason why I am particularly concerned about DeVos is that keeping people uninformed and uneducated is how the Republicans get and hold onto power. We saw it in this election: people who aren’t capable of telling fake news from real, people who don’t realize that the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing, etc. By

I’ve been writing letters all week! It’s incredibly cathartic and I also like the idea that it takes up physical space and has to be dealt with. I already wrote Gardner this week but I’ll be writing him again tonight. I recommend it.

Pence is married to a former teacher, and she apparently heavily advised him on education policy, which has devastated teachers and public education in Indiana.

I literally tried every field office of my Republican senator and they were going to full mailboxes or saying I was calling after hours, which I’m definitely not at 3pm for a Colorado office.

This is NOT true, and his office is NOT happy about it.

Their dicks fell off (probably because a woman wrote words on the Internet)

Uh if they are anything like me, you can bet they’re keeping their voice mail full on purpose.

“We look to have a great relationship with all countries, ideally, unfortunately that won’t necessarily happen, unfortunately probably won’t happen with many countries, but if we could have as we do with Prime Minister May, and the relationship we’ve all developed, and even the short relationship that we’ve just

You can always send a postcard for $3 from your phone.