
I wont settle for a “decent” sentence.

It’s going to be worse tomorrow. He’s still not better than Obama.

Mike Pence is a textbook religious extremist conservative. He will make life harder significantly harder for women, LGBT individuals and will not attempt to better the situations of the poor or marginalized communities. He will also not start a war with tweet and seems like a (awful) adult who can atleast practice

... Hard to pick a favorite comment, but I think this one...

Gonna be bigly complicado.

There’s already hundreds of tunnels used by drug traffickers so this will surely fix that problem.


Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?

All of the Trump supporters who lambasted Clinton deserve all of the suffering that we’re about to get over the next four years. The problem is the rest of us have to suffer as well. His sanctuary city plan is deeply troubling. Given that NYC is a sanctuary city, I think it should just cut off all funding to

And she let her husband cheat on her. What a bitch.

I am making a new start tomorrow. I am getting too obsessive over this stuff and have to find a new balance. I can’t waste another day doing this and not working...I’ll be in the weeds and its only week three of the semester. Lord help me when the first batch of papers come in next week. I took a walk today and

Do we have to do what he says? How about we just don’t? How about we just do what we want? I am a federal employee and there is literally no oversight to ensure I do what I’m asked, and for people who have tenure, there is very little chance they will get fired. I think typical government complacency and incompetence

It is worse than that. It is a popular girl who WON prom queen, but she doesn’t feel like people are treating her prom queen-y enough, so she is melting down in the halls.

This man is a literal lunatic.

He won the White House, but he lost the popular vote. Imagine being so petty, so rotten to the core, that you have to construct a myth of voter fraud to deal with that. Imagine being so coo coo bananas, you order an actual investigation into it

Are they working on any legislation or do they think they can do everything with executive orders?

All hail the mighty media intern! That is pure gold.