
CP. And I drive a manual Passat Wagon on the daily.

Yeah. My 20 year old sister (the tickets were her birthday present.) had never heard of Brandy. I was like “Really??” Then I realized how old I really am (35).

I’ve never heard her sing. But I’m fairly sure that the producers of a show like “Chicago” would require some sort of actual audition before they offered the role.

When we got married, I was 24 and he was 36. How does that skew the statistics?

There was nothing below that. I did not “Run as Adminstrator” which was my issue. However, since I set up my own wireless network, I know what the password is. I also know other ways of getting it. Thanks, CS degree!

So did I. I was 7, and it was right before Big came out, so it wasn’t quite so popular just yet. Great memories of that place.

I saw Chicago 2 months ago with Brandy as Roxie. She did a fantastic job. Rumer may be able to dance, but Roxie’s part leans more on singing than dancing.

Came here to say this. Glad to know that millions won’t be going to pay their “administrative fees”.

This is what I get. So, no, it doesn’t always show the password.

Glad I’m not the only one. We even share the same birthday! (albeit a few decades apart)

Probably because the restaurant wasn’t getting reimbursed for those “coupons” and they were losing money.

My husband didn’t wear his ring for a while. It did bother me, but he would just say “I know I’m married. Why do I need to advertise?” It makes sense in a way. It doesn’t bother me as much now (married for almost 11 years), but he does wear his ring a lot more. And he’s really not a jewelry guy.

Not everything works for everyone. AA is a start, if OP decides it’s not for her, they should be able to suggest other ways she can get help. I have a couple friends who have been going to AA meetings for years and it’s really helped them.

I’ve got it. The link is just under the destination address.

If I recall correctly, at the hospital we used, they asked for our income and expenses. But, YMMV and all that. The worst they’ll say is you don’t qualify, and then you can work out a payment plan.

Can you get Melatonin OTC in Canada? It’s natural and non-habit forming.

Call the hospital billing office and ask about Charity Care (they might call it something else). You apply, and based upon your income it can cover some or all of your hospital bills and it’s retroactive.

Hey follow knitter! If you run out before your hat is finished, message me and I’ll send you a skein of what you need. Knitting (and Netflix) has gotten me through bouts of unemployment with my sanity and self-doubt both in check.

I was in your boat a few years ago. I was making great money, but I was miserable. My husband convinced me to quit and find something less stressful. We’re doing just fine with less money coming in and I’m not stressed out 24/7.

I would highly recommend you talk to someone. There is a history of alcoholism in your family, so you are more susceptible to it. Find out when AA meets in your area, and go to a meeting.