Agreed - and INCREDIBLY farty at low RPMs
Agreed - and INCREDIBLY farty at low RPMs
A foot bridge is a great idea here - even with the intersection - to increase safety for all. This works extremely well for the high-trafficked North Ave beach foot bridge over LSD a couple miles north of the area in question.
What I don’t understand about this is how other nearby intersections affected by this long light.
I agree with most points, but challenge you on your view and definition of what a ‘traditional’ NASCAR fan is and how the sport is working to change this. I know they have a DTS style show in the works and are trying to bring more events to urban areas. I feel as it NASCAR has gained some traction with motorsport fans…
I was one of the first cars behind the transport of the Muon g-2 ring when it was on it’s way to Fermilab in Batavia, IL.
Add 2 cylinders and 2 driven wheels, hack off 100k miles and then it MIGHT be in NP territory.
If you just gotta have that tax exemption, get a two-or-three year old Bentley Mulsanne.
Nothing groundbreaking to add here, but Chicago did recently ruin *cough* REDESIGN it’s livery for police vehicles:
Chicago checking in - we’re alright - we’ll just take the el and brave the strong piss-smell.
Congrats to your daughter and well wishes for a smooth-move!
Allow me to blow up this person’s spot:
How do you prefer your eggs?
I’m going to have to agree - but here’s the specific one I had in mind:
The worst is when you’re on a busy street corner after the bars let out and get confirmation, “Alex will be picking you up in a Toyota Camry.”
I also drive a True Red 2008 MS3 GT. They’re a riot to blast down a backroad or onramp. Maybe not the best commuting or city car though. It doesn’t tend to fair well with potholes and with a delrin motor/trans mount and no 2nd cat, that fucker is downright noisy at 70 on the highway.