Tidal Town

I mean, I completely get where they’re coming from, they want to offer ad-free software that doesn’t collect/sell data. If you want a service like that, you should be willing to pay for it. I think Evernote could have gone about this whole process a little better, but I also think it’s important to pay for the

Wiig and McCarthy are not funny at all...sorry, I know that a lot of people like them for some reason, but the only thing I’ve ever seen from either of them that I liked was Wiig’s guest spots on Arrested Development.

So it’s okay to judge an entire gender/race/sexual orientation/etc. based on the actions of a few people? I’ve always gotten the impression that kind of thinking was frowned upon... But it’s cool now?

Please don’t start applying the stupidity of a couple of shitty people as being the mindset of the entire Corps. We’re a petri dish version of America, and a lot of asshats like this bring that shit into the Corps with them, but the rest of us fight (or in my case, fought) back against it.

The Iron Born is a Patriarchal culture so Theon was the rightful heir to the Throne. He had to cosign because it was his by right so he had to abdicate that right to support his sister (who has proven throughout the show that she is worthy of the throne).

Sorry, no. If you think that it is more precise to have to completely let your throttle out completely to even tap your brakes, well idk what to. Triggers it the way to go if you don’t have a wheel. I mean, how could you even begin to race cars or f1?

Gawker morality is shit. Hulk hogan sex tape leak it, Jeniffer Lawrence nude picks how dare you. Beyoncé copying artist , eh everyone does it, someone copies Beyoncé appropriation. Beyoncé exploits third world people, part of the game, lulemon does it it's a crime against humanity. Their moral code is shit and they

No no no no no. Beyonce is not “being called out for a practice that is done by virtually every single company out there.”

I’m over Dorne and the Sand Snakes. Just wake me when they provide some kind of last-minute help to Dany. (Or maybe that is the end of their story?)

Especially the part where they make everything Bill did, Hillary’s responsibility

Not a damn troll. Jesus, I am tired of fandom treating like female characters like they are made out of glass. Look, we are finally getting more and more shows with actual female characters. So, of course, some are going to die. It would be weird if you would have all these shows and not a single woman character died.

So four African American winners in 15 years is 26.7 percent of winners while they are 13.2 percent of the population. They have been voted as winner at twice the rate one might expect from demographics alone, yet it’s still not enough.

About that rape scene - poor old Theon gets aroused by a couple of whores and then gets his dick cut off and nobody say boo, bit of a double standard?

So, basically racist, sexist bigoted comments are okay, just so long as:

Probably not the time to point out that black winners (28% of winners; 12% of US population) and gay winners (7% of winners, ~4% of the US pop) are technically “over” represented?

Maybe the white guy is a better singer? Why does color even have to play into this? Are you saying she deserved to win because she is black, has a kid and an abusive ex?

roll tide to that gif

i pray for the state of your notifications in about 10 minutes