Tidal Town

Fucking incel.

Take this conservatism elsewhere.

Because without new material I’m going to continue you people have the IQ of a grapefruit. Actually, that’s a lie. I’m going to continue to do that, because you’re dumb as shit. And I can’t wait for the tears to flow after the election when we leave your worthless asses behind. There is no future for you on this

Boring. Get some new material.

Empty of intelligence you are.

None of this drivel justifies the creation of an entirely new branch of the military, hilariously called “Space Force”, to do so. Go lick boots somewhere else.

No, it wouldn’t have. This “both sides” bullshit is just that, bullshit. 

Space Command, maybe?

And even after all of that, “Space Force” still sounds dumb as hell. 


Why does “something new” have to be a totally different IP? I’ve never understood this line of thinking.

They don’t live in reality.

eye roll. fart noise. 

I wouldn’t even call those things all that surprising. Star Wars is a money printing machine for Disney, regardless of developer or publisher. Having popular characters show up is essentially a no-brainer.

I mean, has the history of Star Wars content not made you think exactly that other characters popping up was a guarantee?

If you’re an Apple Music user and have a still usable college email account (ours were guaranteed for life back when they gave them to us) you can get the paid Apple Music sub for $5/mo instead of $10/mo. The only “proof” they need is the occasional confirmation email to said .edu email address, nothing else.


No love for Wyze cams at $20 a piece?

lol you need to learn how to use that meme, old man. You’re so out of fucking touch you’re not even in the same room. Stop fucking shaming women, you misogynistic piece of shit. We’re not talking about WOMEN POSTING THEIR OWN PICS OF THEMSELVES, we’re talking about REVENGE PORN. Fucking learn to read, you moron. You

lol okay, boomer.