Tidal Town

lololol you're a delusional moron. Go play in traffic.

How do you put your pants on in the morning with so much stupid rolling around in your empty skull?

You guys are so easy to trigger it's not even fun anymore.

Conservatives? Being massive hypocrites? No, not possible.

…uh, yeah, and it happens all the time.

Roberts was literally a dissenter on the case. You are spreading fake news. Fuck off, troll.

Fuck you. This is your fault.

They're making it about you idiotic shitstains, dipshit. Go play in traffic.

The entire reason a lot of big U.S. cities should be great Olympic hosts is because they’re filled with (a) sports arenas/stadiums and (b) places to be used as housing. But all these rules about building new things, along with the inherent cronyism of the entire thing, is bullshit.

I haven’t spent much time in LA or San Fran, but as someone from Alabama who did live in Atlanta for a bit, the latter isn’t comparable to a Tier 1 city like NYC or Chicago. And, as someone that loves the energy and hustle and bustle of big cities (like London and Paris as well), I’d love to live in Chicago or NYC,

You have the IQ of a soldering iron. Go play in traffic, moron.

In general, we want to rid not just this company but society of the racists. So, it’s really not that distressing. Fuck all the racists.

Go play in traffic, fucking racist piece of shit.


Don’t zombies, by definition, have to be dead first, though?



The only problem I have with this line of thinking is that it negates the existence of upsets (which is not to say that this was). And upset is, by definition, the lesser team being better on “any given Sunday”.

I hadn’t thought about this possibility because I was working under the idea that the Night King isn’t even at Winterfell. We didn’t see him or Viserion with the rest of the Wights at the end of episode two. I figure why waste time against a heavily fortified Winterfell when you can send part of your army to raise

I was working under the theory that the Night King isn’t even at Winterfell currently. We didn’t see him (or Viserion) with the rest of the Wights. Why waste time/deadpower on a heavily-fortified Winterfell when you could send part of your army to do some damage while you go around withe the bulk of your force and