Tidal Town

I cannot eyeroll hard enough at the word vomit you just posted.

How about you Google it, fuckstick?

It’s not pretending.

Trumpism is a mental disorder.

Projection, the Cult of Trump’s favorite pastime.

Holy fuck, you people are insane.

bUt My PeRsOnAl ReSpOnSiBiLiTy!!1!

Holy shit.

Somehow it’s not okay that we’re uncomfortable with a sizable group of literal insane people?

You Trump supporters have the IQ of sand.

You need to see a fucking therapist, weirdo.

Incels and MGTOW idiots. I’m saying that as someone that frequents Reddit, but it’s full of those shit stains.

She’s a woman, and the trolls are pathetic dudes. I’m glad they’re having a crisis over this, fucking incel douchecanoes.

It just feels like sports media wants this whole thing to fail because it’d make good clickbait. No one ever talks about the minor leagues in baseball, soccer, etc. like this. Let people enjoy things, ya know?

But again, you say that, but we’re talking about someone being the victim of some extreme mental manipulation.

Whatever. I’m in. Forge On.

It’s bleak, just like the general ending of the game. You’re stuck for years inside a bunker with a man known for manipulating people. I don’t see it as a stretch that the Deputy would’ve developed Stockholm Syndrome.

Is that even possible, though? Considering how much content gets uploaded every minute to the platform?

Rightwingers aren’t exactly the brightest bunch. There are millions of them and their collective IQ is like 12.

I hope people will remember that everyone said that about Wind Waker, too, and it ended up being one of the best and most adored titles in the franchise.