Is that even possible, though? Considering how much content gets uploaded every minute to the platform?
Is that even possible, though? Considering how much content gets uploaded every minute to the platform?
Rightwingers aren’t exactly the brightest bunch. There are millions of them and their collective IQ is like 12.
I hope people will remember that everyone said that about Wind Waker, too, and it ended up being one of the best and most adored titles in the franchise.
Buzzfeed actually has some great journalists on the news side. Don’t confuse that with the clickbait side.
Leadership is overpaid.
Between the Iron and Legion, yeah.
Trust me, Legion Field is just happy to still have anything going on there.
…why did you need to create a burner to share your opinion? Also, I’ve been enjoying BFV myself. Games are subjective.
This has to be satire. Otherwise, you’re an idiot.
You serious, Clark? This is Call of Duty, not ArmA.
Oh, shut up, Jesus.
That was awful.
A guys that's played as long as Edelman should know better than to be anywhere close to such a close call. Either commit to the scoop or avoid it like the plague. However, that ball absolutely did not touch him. And then his luck ran out soon after.
Why would it get more bloated? I don’t think anyone wants more challenges, just being allowed to challenge more things (read: anything). Didn’t the CFL do this and not see any noticeable increase in game length?
Because if I can get away with DPI that blatant I’m telling my guys to go full on Longest Yard melee from there on out.
True, they did, but the degree to which the DPI was so much more egregious and blatant isn’t even comparable. I don’t like it but you can convince me on “letting them play” when the could are tough to catch or ticky-tack. But that? You couldn’t draw a better example of DPI.
That entire officiating crew should be fired and banned from any level of football, hell, any sport. Penalties are part of football but Jesus Christ, that’s the textbook definition of DPI.
It doesn’t exist.
lol Trump supporters are infinitely more “cry baby”ish than anyone else on this planet. You’re driven by nothing but emotions and fear mongering and triggered by literally everything, your post being proof of that. Go play in traffic, troll.