The sport that gave us the bat-flip should have no problems with any form of celebrating IMO. What are we, the NFL?
The sport that gave us the bat-flip should have no problems with any form of celebrating IMO. What are we, the NFL?
Signed, Braves fans.
You only have to pass the test once unless you fuck up in the U.S.
This was an actual exchange on Reddit:
It really is crazy. In two games where the vast majority of on-screen characters are white men (both in the BFV trailer and in KCD), even insinuating, much less showing, a woman, minority, etc. gets some people so riled up. Like, time to do some introspection there, guys. That’s not a healthy attitude.
BF1 was great. Battlefield has always, to me, been the bridge between totally casual shooters like Call of Duty and the sim shooters like Arma. Whacky stuff ends up happening in the game regardless because gamers are nuts, but the soul of the game has a more rooted foundation.
Isn’t singing one’s national anthem before every sporting event weird regardless of nationality?
But BF4 is still worthwhile to play. No sense in doing that again IMO. Could’ve done something like Desert Storm era.
I was gonna say, BF1 looks incredible maxed out.
Vietnam with a campaign written by the Bad Company team, please.
Why would they do modern, though? BF4 is still a good, totally serviceable game. If you want “modern” they should at least have gone contemporary but a little older, like maybe Desert Storm. Personally, I want a Vietnam setting with a campaign written by the Bad Company team.
He’s going to tear it up. This is what happens whenever the Braves get rid of underperforming players. Like clockwork.
Are you sure? That’s not what I’ve been hearing/reading thus far.
If Vegas manages to win the Cup and stay exempt from Seattle’s draft, I’ll admit, I’ll be real salty.
Ultimately, the question is will Seattle pay $500 million for the privilege.
Seattle’s going to get to do the same thing next year.
I’m of two minds on things like this for Switch...on the one hand, great! Glad that even more gamers get to play excellent games. On the other hand, IMO, games like this, Doom, Wolfenstein, etc. really shine better on hardware that allows you to crank the graphics to 11. Especially for Doom. My God.
Apparently, we’ve been regulated to “never get to enjoy it again” territory.
Somehow losing to Winnipeg didn’t actually upset me as much as I thought it would, but still having to read about the SCP is. Sigh...