Tidal Town

Hughes, like all flat-earthers, is devoid of intelligence.

Institutionalize this man.


How dare you

On the surface this sounds bad as reading all of the codex stuff was a big reason I love the AC series.

I won’t lie, Brady vs. Wentz would’ve been a fantastic Super Bowl. Sucks we won’t get that this season.

Some of us are reasonable people that understand that taxes can be and are a good thing that help us fund things like infrastructure. Then there are people like you who, well, aren’t very smart.

I’ve gotten pretty standard 2% bonus/2% raise over the last four years at my current job which has been a little over $1,000/$1,000 the last couple times. I consider that the norm, ergo, I don’t see a $500 bonus as some big win for workers via these “tax breaks”. How about some real raises for all the employees? I’m

Holy shit, you went from zero to full-on tin foil real fast there, chief.

You need help.

Holy shit, what a garbage take. You should feel bad. Is r/incel leaking again?

Did I accidentally stumble onto r/MGTOW?

I think you’re taking this dating thing WAY too seriously.

Beta is a mindset, you idiot. It’s a bunch of boys who are upset about things like female empowerment because they can’t cope with the fact they’re undesirable in such a society. The kind of people that frequent r/incel or r/MGTOW. Morons, more specifically.

Even if I was, are you insinuating that being trans is a negative? Yup, definitely sounds like the insults of an immature teenager.

What were they doing and/or saying that warranted such responses? In detail, please.

What are you, 14? Good lord.

Because a lot of them are young beta men that suffer various forms of social anxiety.

As should everyone. He’s an idiot and a lunatic.

Make or break year? They already made it last year.