Tidal Town

I’ll take it.

The Fat Man Dance™

“I love to see a fat guy score. First, you get a fat guy spike, then you get a fat guy dance.”

Time for a third Cleveland Tourism Video I suppose.

I believe the FCS Playoff is 10 Conference Champs and 14 At-Large bids, correct? And if they played a 12 game schedule (I believe, barring some exception years, the FCS season is 11 games), the teams in the National Championship would play 17 games in a season. If everyone’s cool with that, let’s talk about it.

We need (a) to bring the computers back (having everything decided by a committee is stupid) and (b) need to find a way to pair down 130 teams into a manageable playoff. I have a feeling it’ll be the P5 Champs + Top Ranked P5 + 2 At-Large or P5 Champs + 3 At-Large, those seem to be the most common changes people

Well, in 2016 they went 6-6 then lost their bowl game. In 2015 they didn’t win a game. Your gripes about this season are totally valid, I’m just not sure why you said the coverage has been “piss-poor” looking at any season before this one.

IMO we need the computers back. I don’t like everything being decided by a committee.

Well, no one said it had to be unanimous. Everyone said they wanted a playoff and now we have (an imperfect) one.

Well, because we have the CFP now. We could’ve done that in the old BCS and/or AP days, but we all “voted” to have the CFP, so. I’m not saying the CFP is perfect (it’s not, I’d prefer computers over a committee) but this is the system we all agreed upon.

The problem is (1) we’re leaving everything up to a committee with human opinions when we really need to have the computers back IMO and (2) there are way too many FBS teams for even an eight-team playoff. Things work in the NFL because there are only 32 teams. In FBS there are 130 in 10 conferences (and then

He has enough time to bobble the ball, realize what’s happening, see the Bengals pick it off, and still get blindsided. He’ll be getting that .gif on Twitter for quite a while.

I was planning on getting into brewing and woodworking this year. Great advice!

I’m not sure I agree… sure, people talking is super annoying and they should STFU, but people reacting (audibly) to cool moments in a movie is part of the theater experience, IMO.

I agree with disliking the things on your list, but either we’re okay with generalizations or we’re not. And I tend to think we’re not.

I’m surprised Wildlands hasn’t implemented a BR mode yet.

I know people joke ‘cause the fever over the eclipse was ridiculous, but I drove a short way up from Nashville to Hendersonville to see totality for about two minutes and it really was pretty incredible to see.

Has it? I’ve only been noticing it within the last two or three months.

Counterpoint: As a graphic designer, Pinterest is a great place to stash design inspiration to peruse at a later date.

Mellophone, but I rode the trombone bus in ‘06 and the guard bus in ‘07. I’m not actually sure I ever rode the same bus two years in a row ha. Small world.