Tidal Town

Kaep doesn’t want to be a backup and I like Mariota as our starter. So, no thanks?

Kaep should be playing, but this is overselling him quite a bit IMO.

…we don’t like Ripley now?

Oh brother. *wanking motion*

You get used to it.

So Mark Richt and the ghost of Mark Richt are still alive and well this season, eh?

Except, you know, the slot machine in SMB3 didn’t require actual money.

Probably ‘cause Nick has a video of Kiffin hitting on some co-eds.

Mellophone is the best instrument in the hornline. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I am/was a mellophone player. My high school band was ~250 strong and at Alabama we had 350+ in the MDB every season. I marched at Spirit when DCI maxed out at 128 members and we had 64 in the hornline. I can see the benefits for both.

No, they don’t. Hate the man all you want, but why do we always do this retroactive shit?

I loved marching in high school and college but people don’t understand just how much jazz running I had to do in drum corps.

I was always sad my marching band in high school never did things like BoA, but thankfully I had drum corps to get that fix.

I’m so lucky to work for an instrument company now, so I get to go to DCI Finals in Indy on company dime. Love it. Wish we went to BoA.

Spirit mellophone ‘05

People not familiar with the activity always find it odd that the tickets I buy for DCI shows are on the 50 but towards the back. I’m gonna go deaf either way, should enjoy the drill whilst that happens.

NFL maybe, but college football is definitely better in person IMO.


How about when you’re with your date/partner/SO in the privacy of your own home?

You say that, but at its root it’s true and it’s all part of the negotiation game.