Tidal Town


I mean, shouldn’t they, though? We’re either okay with stereotypes or we’re not. Personally, I prefer to go with we’re not.

They’re just that, allegations. I don’t believe in the court of public opinion. Let the courts settle it if necessary.


As a Braves fan, I’m not allowed to criticize other teams for poor attendance.

I mean that’s what I’m here for.

Now this is a good take.

Outside of marching band and drum corps, I’m not sure I ever have. #BandNerd

I hate Cleveland as much as the next guy, but this seems like the kind of reaction you’d want out of a (hopefully) engaged and loyal fanbase.

If I point at a fox and call it a pig, that doesn’t make it a pig. White supremacy is ideologically opposed to liberal values. Ergo, they weren’t and aren’t liberals.

Please, by all means, link me to an article or interview, anything really, with a “liberal NeoNazi”. I’ll hang up and listen.

Except the Left and liberals, here in the U.S., don’t want communism. The platform is, generally, democratic socialism. Sure, there may be a fringe of the party that likes communism, but even then, they certainly don’t support the kind of “communism” that existed in the USSR; they would support the textbook definition

Either “antifa” is this huge driving force behind the liberal party now and everyone on the left is running around saying everyone is a “nazi” or it’s not really a thing outside of some social media posts and shitty young people pretending to be anarchists in a handful of “events”. You can’t have it both ways. And if

I don’t need you to be a puppet to rage at, you’re the “both sides are bad!” idiot that any rational liberal should rage at. Tell me more about how “antifa” is running the liberal platform now. I’ll hang up and listen.

Who are “you people”? Who are “my groups”? The vast majority of the Left and liberals are rioting and destroying property? Citation please.

Ah, the ol’ “both sides are the same/just as bad!” defense. Classic.

Antifa is not a thing, it’s some bored young people masquerading as anarchists. Nor does “antifa” represent even a sliver of the Left or the liberal platform. You’re disingenuousness is dually noted, however. Also, if what “antifa” is doing is making you think about leaving the Left or the liberal platform I question

And I’m sure you’re an idiot if you actually think that.

This is the correct response. Let’s see if HumanAbyss addresses it.

Citation needed.