Tidal Town

Okay, but not every sport is football, rugby, hockey, etc.

Okay? I also watch hockey which certainly is a very white sport (though that is changing, like having PK Subban in Nashville, Go Preds). But I suppose from your tone that I’m both a racist and a child for still liking football. I disagree but you seem to have your mind made up, so, *shrug*

To me it’s more the insinuation that watching and enjoying football (or any sport) is immature, seeing as you closed with “grow the fuck up, kids.” But I don’t like that line of thinking applied to a lot of other things, too, like video games or watching anime or a slew of nerd culture things people enjoy. Let adults

Why not just give McCarron a shot? What’s the worst that happens, they lose again?

Because they’re stupid.


Seems like a good title to follow in the “battle royale” footsteps.

It’s a mode of transportation, not everyone makes it a lifestyle. You’ll still have your “thing”, bro. Dude. Whatever.

I’m not sure I can take someone seriously who has posted:

Betas are betas, even public betas, which most people using them should know (and I do), and I’ve been doing iOS public betas for a while now, but the last few iOS 11 public betas have been really rocky in my experience, using it on a 6S Plus.

I’m not sure I understand. Both words have definitions and they are inherently not the same, being that one is authoritarian and the other is not.

If “alt-right” and “Nazis” are synonyms then, again, I’m not going to support painting all libertarians as either. I think it’s disingenuous to waste such meaningful words. I don’t agree with numerous libertarian viewpoints but I do not believe the majority of them are Nazis.

[Citation needed]

I am. And in the meantime, you can kindly fuck off, asshole. :D

My mistake. Though I have seen some people vehemently argue against that concept in other comments sections before, which never made sense to me.

“Gawker/Gizmodo Media” was in reference to GMG and the family of websites under that umbrella, which obviously includes Deadspin, Jezebel, Kotaku, et al.

What stereotype(s) am I upholding exactly?

It sure is bringing together all the progressives and liberals in this country, let me tell you. Being a liberal and a Southerner, nothing makes me feel more united with my fellow progressives than seeing shit flung in my direction from the Northeast and West Coast.

Talking down to Southerners is a Gawker/Gizmodo Media tradition. If I actually policed all those comments I wouldn’t have time for my job.