Tidal Town

Trump is bad. Everything about Trump is bad. When will you idiots comprehend this? Christ. This administration is a fucking joke and its supporters are fucking stupid.


Abortion is not the pinnacle issue in politics. Stop making it a cornerstone issue. How about fixing the economy?

This country isn’t progressive. I think it’s time we just accept that.

Doesn’t seem any worse than “anyone but Clinton” which I saw plenty of during this election cycle.

I’m a reasonable fan that can admit I’m sure plenty of shady shit goes on in Tuscaloosa. But if you think it’s an SEC problem and not a Power 5 problem, well... there’s too much money involved in the top echelon of CFB for that not to be true.

Damn you’re stupid.

Considering the goddamned circus in progress in the White House, it’s much more apparent that Trump and those like him suffer from some serious mental problems.

I frequent a few subreddits... r/Nashville (where I live), r/DIY, r/drumcorps, r/gaming, r/golf, r/hockey, to name a few... I never run into these alt-right neckbeard assholes. And in most subreddits you won’t. I don’t go to r/all or something like whatever the subreddit is for redpilling or men’s rights or whatever.

I’ve heard multiple people say they want to ditch electronic voting all together, even this method, because it’s too vulnerable, and simply go back to paper ballots. I generally don’t like the, “But it’s 2017…” defense, but… c’mon, man.

He became the Three Eyed Raven.

Cry about it, nerd.

I thought Trump was supposed to be different? Not like all the other politicians? #DrainTheSwamp and all that? Was that just bullshit being spread by Trump supporters? Seems like an odd position for Trump supporters to have.

Oh, there are loads of people out there that are smarter than me. You, however, are not one of them. Run along now.

Because his supporters are morons. They’ll literally defend him doing the “same thing” others have done, even though he was supposed to be an “outsider”, and they’ll use the, “Well, they did it before. Were you mad then?” excuse. Because they’re desperate to have Trump in office because they’re only fans of Trump.

Calls someone on the left a “little commie prick”, claims to be “offended” by be associated with the right/GOP/Trump. lolokay

It’s gotten to the point that they’ll defend him even when he does the same exact things Obama or Clinton did under the excuse of, “Well, they did it. Were you mad then!?” Like… are you that desperate for TRUMP to be President that you’re willing to give up all the “issues” you claimed you voted for? It’s becoming

Yeah, I switched from GoDaddy to Google Domains and haven’t looked back.

Yeah, I switched from GoDaddy to Google Domains and haven’t looked back.

Well I’m a Braves fan and when I lived in Atlanta I did go to games pretty regularly. Haven’t been to SunTrust Park since moving to Nashville, though. And I’m going to give the Titans the ol’ college try.

Is flying really that bad for a lot of you? I fly a few times a year usually on Southwest, sometimes on Delta, and I’ve had some bad experiences over the years but in general I don’t find the experience of air travel all that bad.