Tidal Town

This is what I originally thought the OP was asking. In this case, if we simply treated sidewalks and stairs like roads, could we not just put two sets side-by-side?

Edit: NVM, misread.

…the one thing that sets you off is people using “insanity” wrong?

Yeah, I think you should stick to other sports, guy.

The US is basically purpose-built for the Olympics if we stopped this whole build all new things program whenever a city hosts. We have tons of stadiums and arenas as well as hotels and other places for housing. Just use what we have and it would work out great. Plus wouldn’t the Olympics be more interesting if events

You mean like how the right and/or Trump supporters keep talking about “winning” and telling those on the left to sit down and STFU? And don’t really entertain compromise? Doesn’t seem like they’re too interested in opposing views.

Hmmm... link?

I’ve never really understood the “excuse” for not doing Half-Life 3 or any more games because Steam makes so much money. Yes, it obviously does, but I would make the argument that a wildly successful product such as that that is making you tons of money allows you the ability to do other projects like work on games,

I think it’s more people holding in to the last vestiges of boxing which continue to fall apart because of not the cards people want and rigged bouts. I haven’t cared about boxing fit years because of the way it’s run.

Again, I’m not disputing what freedom of speech legally means. I’m simply sharing that some people have started talking about “societal censorship” and “societal freedom if speech” and it seems more and more people are talking about it, like Joe Rogan and the aforementioned Dave Rubin.

There seems to be two kinds of free speech/censorship being talked about these days. The actual definition (re: government) and a more general, societal influenced type. That’s what I’ve gathered from listening to guys like Dave Rubin’s opinion.

Automation and AI aren’t in the same universe as the assembly line.

I’ve been doing the public beta program for a bit and I just got iOS 10 Beta 4... Do you have to sign up again?

So was there not an issue getting RPG because if Square?

What on earth were you expecting?

It’s such fucking bullshit. I’m over the excuse of “Why would they do it when GTAO is making so much money!?!?” Uh, because I assume they still have writers at Rockstar that would like to? And they, as noted, HAVE THE MONEY?

Is he making enough money to support himself? Then it’s a real job. It’s not what I would consider a good real job nor a very secure one but if he’s making a living, who am I to say it’s not a real job? A job is something you do in return for money to support yourself. Doesn’t matter what it is.

Entertainment is a service.

Did I say my job was shitty? No, I did not. Working longer hours and on weekends comes with the territory and I happen to enjoy what I do. Since you told me it’s only fair I reciprocate I suppose: I’m a multimedia designer for a musical instrument manufacturer/distributor. I work long hours sometimes because we have

So people not on salary aren’t working real jobs? Or what about people like me who have a salary but are exempt from overtime ergo there are many weeks I work 50-60+ hours? And work many weekends a year, too? Is my job not a “real job”?