Tidal Town

You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me.

This is so dumb. It’s been 15 years, if it’s apparently that unimportant for any of those three companies to address it, lapse the copyright/ownership.

Would never happen because a lot of people would see that many people not working as an opportunity to get ahead. It’s ingrained in the spirit of American entrepreneurship.

“Not everyone is college educated or ever going to be and that is why we need industrial jobs to keep them employed so that they can at least make something, pax taxes, and live for themselves not off the government dole.”

The problem is it directly competes with the Switch. If they want the Switch to succeed and be the new thing, they have to ditch the DS platform. Otherwise they’re sending mixed messages.

Conspiracy Theory: They still really don’t want a Pokémon main game to be played on a TV.

Roll Tide, Jonathan!

I got a Corsair K65 LUX RGB but I kind of want one of those Pok3r boards now.

I got a Corsair K65 LUX RGB but I kind of want one of those Pok3r boards now.

I’m referring to trading up one spot for Trubisky.

Uh, Chicago, dafuq you doing?

He certainly broke or tore something.

I don’t think the hit was dirty, just a really unfortunate position to be in hitting the boards that hard. Hate it for the guy, he’s more than earned his spot on this team.

Guy played so hard to get here and won that OT game against Chicago. Absolutely hate it for him. Hope it’s not too serious but it looked pretty bad.

I’ve been wanting for a while for the Bad Company/Bad Company 2 writers to pen a Vietnam campaign. In general, Vietnam doesn’t get much representation which is odd to me given that there are a number of good films about it.

I’m more bothered that it’s following the 1st Infantry Division… there was already a game about them literally called Big Red One.

No, the issue is the “who would work harder to make money?” “argument” is ludicrous nonsense and only spouted by really, really stupid people. It’s simple math: If you make $50,000/yr and are taxed at 10% whereas someone making $100,000/yr is taxed at 15%, the former makes $45,000 after taxes and the latter makes

Maybe your kid would’ve liked to have seen you more. Just my $0.02.

“-Probably the only Preds fan on this site”

It’s it ironic if I post #SMASHVILLE now?
