Tidal Town

Riveting commentary. But hot takes are all you have.

How about United takes care of this shit BEFORE people board the plane? Crazy idea, right?

Are you one of those people that tries to insinuate that unless someone is totally, 100% going to reduce their carbon footprint to zero that they’re hypocrites and then use that as an excuse to steer conversations away from trying to alleviate issues that arise from pollution in regards to climate change? It seems

Did you miss when “pizzagate”, which was based on zero facts, was popping up all over the place? Where was the “fake news” cry then?

Pretty sure the biggest “safe space” on planet Earth right now is r/The_Donald so I don’t think you’re post has any merit here.

Refused to comply… because he bought the ticket and had patients to see the next day and didn’t want to volunteer to take a different flight. I guess the business agreement only applies to passengers but not the airline.

He paid for that flight and had patients to see the next morning. They absolutely had no right to remove him from the flight.

So you don’t, for example, see a benefit from central planning in regards to urban planning for streets and traffic flow?

That makes sense for some projects, like private space travel like we’re seeing with SpaceX and Blue Origin. But, say, a system like the Hyperloop r even something like needing to build a bridge doesn’t need ten competing companies because don’t need ten competing hyperloops or bridges at one spot. The bridge is a

Honestly, I don’t really care if public transportation turns a profit. It’s a service we provide.

Right, but does infrastructure have to turn a profit? Isn’t that generally why we keep it public?

That ticker along the bottom is very interesting, as we don’t seem to need to declare war anymore to bomb the ever-loving shit out of people.

I would argue one of the biggest barriers to more people cutting the cord is getting sports on streaming services.

These are the U.S. National Teams, not MLS vs. WMLS. Our National Teams deserve equal pay.

Yup. From Alabama, have friends from that part of Alabama that know pretty much all of the people that were on it.

Well, to be fair, the economy collapses if people don’t spend money.

You act like there’s some land crisis in regards to some of it being used for golf.

Why does everyone have this view of golf that it is only for the uber rich? Plenty of people, like me, hell, the majority, are regular people that play on public courses.


You’re not one of “those” people, are you?