
I agree with Peter Jackson use of 48 fps (not that he cares for my endorsement). As you said a higher frame ratio helps minimizing the blur effects of movements between frames and this I think works better for 3D, for 2D I think 24 frames are enough, but its clear that he used 48 fps because he was thinking in 3D. Its

people are like crazy bothering about this, 48fps yes its different, probably annoying but does this add to the story, does it enriches it? New formats are nice from a behind the camera perspective cause they provide flexibility and democratise film production, but for the audience it should add something to the

thats why we do it the old way around here... on paper!

lol +1

They still be... at $8M I dont think his insurance company will cover that!

Why someone would leave their pet (dog, cat or whatever) to an imminent dead is beyond me. We had a dog and when she died it was pretty much like a member of the family died.

Exactamente lo mismo me paso! Pense, al fin mi oportunidad y de pronto ese "Vivir en NYC" fue como que mi esperanza se la tragara un hoyo negro!

The question to be answer is if MS has the time for those iterations? This is competing with the iPad and the iPad is ahead of Surface un usability and in market placement. I think its the same problem HP had with TouchPad, it wasnt there yet.

Haha true! I would never expect to be able to read it in 25 years but I wouldnt expect to get them deleted from my iPad so soon!

Its easy to overlook and simply "agree" to T&C because you cant change them. It would be insteresting to discuss the "ownership" of this digital property, but thats for Law School.

great pics!

Still, does the fact that she got "banned" allows Amazon to delete content that she bought? Or should Amazon replace their "Buy" button for a "Rent" one?

Well, my grandmother was italian by birth, (Venezia). When she was 15 my great grandfather brought them to America (the continent). My grandma had 4 children one born while Italy was still a Kingdom and the others after Italy became a Republic, because of Italy's crazy laws 2 of my uncles are Italian (and their

Though that only happen in my country! Damn Mechanics!

Haha. Fortunately that only happen to us once but I remember my knees shaking after we found out it was a false alarm.

We as well think it was a little too much but then again its one of those features you wish you never have to use.

We bougth the AngelCare unit and its great since it ads a very nice feature for Sudden Death Syndrome, we are first time parents.

This might sound shocking but in my country the bill includes 13% for service, it doesnt matter if it was crappy or not.

When you pay for this publications you are not paying for them to tell you the news, you are paying for them to put that news into perspective.

I didnt though it needed a clarification... lol