
I personally don’t think that the biggest change will be price or pay. Those may go under, but if the workers are now employees they will be managed like employees. That means performance goals, stricter hours, etc.

wonder if the cold or ice popped open the latch

It genuinely sounds like she should not be operating a motor vehicle.

Hi all! I’m just here to watch people say incredibly shitty things to one another over their choice of phone.

Sorry Bryan but I have a feeling you’re just misunderstanding. I don’t think he’s saying Jobs literally spent $10M on a literal textbook, I believe he’s saying he wanted all the textbooks in one so he spent $10M developing the iPad.

Winter is Coming Rendering.

Like this

Ironically, United used to be that airline. Last time I flew United, they were the slightly more expensive alternative to American and Southwest that didn’t charge for checked luggage and had sandwiches instead of pretzels for a cross country flight.

These functions have a legit purpose, like for people with jobs? It pushes meetings onto schedules. The real problem is how some Chinese counterfeiters got ahold of reams of iCloud addresses to do this.

More fake news from the Russian propaganda machine...

if by “for all intents and purposes” you mean “in my pills and cheap-whiskey fueled fever dreams”

“We Are So Fucked! New Intel Chip Announced.” “We Are So Fucked! Microsoft Did Something.” “We Are So Fucked! New Computer Monitor Standards.” I could see it.

I think every article should be titled “We Are So Fucked” from now on. At least until 2020.

I just hope our future robot overlords are powered by Samsung.

This is not a million miles removed from the old Redifon suspended A-frame flight simulator developed in the 1970s. United Airlines had a DC-10 A-frame in use up until about 2005. The “A-frame” referred to the shape of the structures around the walls. The simulator cab itself (all 5 tons of it) was suspended by giant

Highlight was him standing outside the plane and staring at the prop attachment point incredulously.

I see why you’d take this angle on the story, but it seems just as much like the type of thing that could inspire a kid (or parent) to be healthier, even if it takes a few Happy Meals as an eye-opener to get there.

I’m going with depressed. Fuck, I’m old.

Robin Williams didn’t die.