
What’s funny is that the Range Rovers of the time were just as horrible on gas and yet they didn’t get nearly as much criticism as the H2 did. My 2004 Range Rover averaged about 12-13mpg, no matter how gently I drove it. And that’s with a freshly rebuilt engine, a good transmission, new filters, new spark plugs, and

I think it’s possible to think the H2 was stupid, and at the same time think the smug railing on it was equally stupid. I think it’s more stupid that everyday cars have gotten so f’n fat with lifeless steering

Yawn. Get on the King Cobra’s level.

To be fair, when you by a foreign car, the profits are offshored, but it’s muddier when the vehicles are produced domestically.

We’ve all wanted to do this, and the guy clearly deserved it, regardless of the technical severity of the crime. Penalty for theft in this country is way too lax, which is why so many scumbags and thugs are happy to commit these type of crimes. So I say good for her! If she gets a decent judge she won’t even get a day

While we’re still unsure of the facts

No she stopped him from getting away with her property. At no point did she say she wanted to kill him.

There are two types of people: Good and bad. Those in between are just in limbo... one or more decisions away from being on or the other. Typically the good contribute (even if no more than paying taxes) while the bad just takes. If you wake up in the morning to go to work or try and find a job (disabilities

Still, she could have killed the guy, and larceny and property damage (the crimes the man was charged with) aren’t capital offenses, which is why Braswell was charged with assault as well.

1 - Guy gets the normal process. There’s a tremendous douchebaggery attached to shoving around a pregnant woman after robbing her vehicle

She should have blamed it on the Firestones

Well for one the lady confronted the human shaped shitpile first. He was caught in her car by her. She then confronted him and he stole her purse and shoved her. After that she chased a bit then hopped into her can and decided to get her purse back in the only way possible for her.

CORRECTION: Allegedly Pregnant Alleged Woman Allegedly Mows Down Alleged Thief.

What crime? She is just taking out the trash.

Yea but as a minor, the baby would probably get off with just a slap on the wrist and some raspberries on the belly.

Here’s where I stand on it: If he hadn’t broken into her car, she would not have tried to run him over. Unless you can convince me that she had been searching out someone to run over prior to that, then in my view, this guy’s fate was completely his own making.

If this were Texas it is probably legal.

Saw it on the news earlier. Agreed, you can’t just run someone down with a 2-ton machine because of petty theft, but emotionally I’m with her 100%. Hopefully she has a lenient judge.

Meh, coffee is overrated anyways. I haven’t touched that stuff in years and I have no need to. Water + willpower is all I need to get going in the morning.