
Wow. Not only is Sesame Street still on the air but they decided to cater to the stay at home dad crowd. At least until someone went all cleavage-phobic.

Car dealers get a lot of negative press. I know a lot of them that are dedicated car guys who literally live for the business. I never met Lenny but it sounds like he was one of the good ones. RIP.

Yeah, looks easy.

As far as recalls go, this one's pretty bitchin'.

This is precisely why the UAW needs to fight for higher wages and better conditions. If they weren't so under-paid and under-intellectually-stimulated, they wouldn't debase themselves so much.

Nice hubcaps.

Brilliant. You sir may enter the royal chambers. The rest of you shall run with Mucus.

Apparently if a 15 year old boy prays in school, god listens.