Mahwah NJ had a Ford Plant. When they closed it Springsteen wrote a crappy song. TOP THAT SANDUSKY!
Mahwah NJ had a Ford Plant. When they closed it Springsteen wrote a crappy song. TOP THAT SANDUSKY!
Here in The People's Republic of New Jersey we already have a state mandated version of this. It is a small red rectangle affixed to the license plate of any young driver with a provisional driver's license. Unfortunately it uses this one image to deliver two messages:
The Wrangler reminds me of what the Ranger should be. Slow to evolve, relatively faithful to its original mission and certainly not designed around consumer clinics.
What's the existing inventory mix? I hear the stick shifts are sitting around.
Boosted Ford Tough!
Huh, well I guess I can still hope to get the call about my application for Playboy photographer.
Once again the skinny models get all the attention.
Good thing he's got the Sat Nav on. I'd hate to see him get lost.
'Cello time?
This isn't a NPOCP. This is more of a Holy Crap Look What Someone Is Trying To Sell On Ebay.
Props for the machine gun and the boonie but the mustache is what pushes this to 10.0!