
Hmm, another article (https://jezebel.com/new-york-congressional-candidate-releases-porn-video-fe-1849659623) on this site right now says that “No person in or running for office should ever show voters their genitals, much less full-on videos of them having sex.” in reference to someone creating adult content.

Much like Karine Jean-Pierre, Griner checks all the right identity boxes to harvest clout points from.

What is the agenda behind force feeding us this story nobody really cares about?

“Though Mr. Depp would rather not disclose his erectile dysfunction condition, such condition absolutely is relevant to sexual violence, including Mr. Depp’s anger and use of a bottle to rape Amber Heard. Mr. Depp’s erectile dysfunction makes it more probable that Mr. Depp would be angry or agitated in encounters with

Imagine thinking people making a bunch of post facto arguments about fact checkers not wholeheartedly endorsing a viral story with thin sourcing aren’t doing so with ulterior motives.

Many of the events under his presidency may have been inevitable but the way he’s reacted to them has frankly been the embodiment “we weren’t expecting much but fucking hell”.

so the same reason most people plead guilty.

This is all extremely standard and actually better than many Americans or other foreigners who are accused of spying or other crimes. Tho I’m surprised they didn’t have all the testimony and “witnesses” lined up. I guess even Putin can’t be bothered anymore at his sham trials when he’s focused on destroying Ukraine.

Sorry, this is a shit take and you know it.

I don’t know, tricking a children’s hospital out of millions of dollars seems like a villain thing to do. Man or woman. I get this case was about defamation and credibility, but when something like that comes out, you cannot walk away from this and pretend to have a moral high ground. 

Stop gaslighting your readers. Amber isn’t merely imperfect. She’s an abuser. She chopped off her husbands finger and abused him for years. Then lied about. The hate is 100% justified.

Originally, I supported Heard. Then, I heard those tapes. I don’t know how anyone can defend Heard after listening to those tapes. She’s not you. You’re not her. It’s OK to condemn her actions. It doesn’t equate to defending or even excusing Depp and his actions.

I still genuinely don’t understand the whole “Johnny obviously beat her, too” conclusion. Literally everyone he ever dated came out after the initial accusation to refute that (unlike any other accusation ever), so either he beat them and tortured them so bad they were still so scared of him that they thought they

Here’s the problem:
The one who vilified Amber Heard is Amber Heard.

I don’t know about you, but I watched the trial; her facial expression, tone, diction, choice of words. The evasive behavior really stood out. She came off as a liar, again and again. Not just me, but across the board save for one or two writers at

Just to speak generally, when someone lies constantly, and is willing to lie about anything, it is extremely difficult to know if they are lying. When the law finds that someone is lying about one thing, it opens up the possibility that they are lying about other things. When someone appears to be lying a lot, and you

>saying it “proves” she’s lying

No... The evidence proved she was lying. It was clearly not “a single mistake” either, as was highlighted in the trial, which you admit you stayed away from. There were multiple, MULTIPLE examples. Also, she shit the bed. Literally and figuratively. Blargh.

You can be both against Amber

I am so tired of the media trying to maintain their feminist clout by trying to defend Amber Heard. We all believed her when she first made the accusations. We all turned on Jonny Depp. Then we watched the trial and it turned out that perhaps she was a liar.

This article should be on Jezebel.

It was a jury trial. None of us were there. The jury saw everything. They were able to look away and judge reactions to statements and anything else that caught their eye. Anything we did see was through a carefully filtered tv lens. That cuts both ways. I don’t believe the justice system is perfect but in the end you

This was a case of two people who weren’t good for one another, but when actual abuse victims(like my mother) tell me she was the main abuser, I’m going to side with them.

Everyone being awful to her are going to keep being awful, they are awful people. I don’t agree with it, but I’m not going to fight for her.