
Another example of trans women unfairly competing in women’s spaces. Only two Missouri women put to death since the 70s and one of them just happens to be trans? Wake up, people.

Is this bad news? Franco and Miller are clearly super gross and possibly criminal, but giving corporations the mantel of setting moral standards seems dangerous.

Well thankfully if they don't negotiate this will stop hogging headlines from things that matter.

This all seems like reasonable evidence to exclude. Good on Depp's lawyers, motion practice wins cases.

We have Viktor Bout. As to the Ukrainians, I mean, if you actually give a shit about Ukraine, why would you have them give up anything for her? She's a basketball player who smuggled drugs.

If your bar for danger is dissenting opinions then no place is safe so long as it's occupied by anyone who thinks.

This poorly written pearl-clutching exercise is your bar for sanity? Far from providing anything like a cogent legal analysis, we have claim after claim of some nebulous harm, based on the unverifiable assertions of some anonymous “experts” and Amber Heard’s lawyer who, even if you agreed with her stance, should at

Surely this fact-rich report presages a sea change in opinions of Musk, whom nobody has any reason to smear, and whose fans will find this all so disappointing. I’ll bet he’s quaking in his boots.

Well it can’t be a bigger disaster than this article. I sympathize with the inability to afford an editor, but a grammar check on Google docs is free

Wow, a group of politicians with a powerful interest in spreading propaganda are claiming without evidence that their enemy is doing a Bad Thing that we should hate them for, and oh by the way could you send your sons or your guns? This is at about the level of “The Huns are raping babies!” New century, same worthless

I like how you immediately assumed eliminating a culture meant eliminating human beings, and then expressed utter indifference about the lives of others. Says enough about you and your ideology that further argument is unnecessary. Cheers.

I thought we weren’t allowed to talk about eliminating cultures of poverty associated with particular races, but now that that's opened up I'm sure you won't mind anyone discussing the culture of the inner city, eh?

It’s a fair point that this war happens to have white people on both sides and also happens to be the only one going on recently that the Democrats (“left”) seem to oppose. I seem to recall a ghoulish attack on Biden for ending Afghanistan. I continue to see silence about our support of the Saudis, and you can’t spit

Demurring on the exact amount of blood on our hands, I’d say there’s enough.


We’ve caused the deaths of 2.8 million human beings in that country since 2001. You sure the progressive values of their leadership are what we should be focusing on?

Are you serious? Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Barbados, etc. These are some of the poorest places in the hemisphere.

The most plausible scenarios in which guns would be used against the government here are an armed insurrection or a civil war, which would swiftly turn into an occupation of secessionist territory by the feds. In both cases the situation is far more like Afghanistan than a conventional war between powers.

In any case,

That’ll be an effective rebuttal the day we win the war in Afghanistan. I wouldn’t hold my breath.
