
Huh? No you wouldn’t. You’d be terrible at it, and then you’d be broke and alone but also deserve it.

I didn’t assume anything; whether you’re part of that group is immaterial to the observation that many commenters here oppose free speech.

Glad you’re recovering. That sounds horrifying.

So... you think they’re touring here because we’re intolerant of dissent? This country’s been abusive and corrupt for as long as I’ve been alive, but the one thing I can count on here is freedom of speech. Honestly, it’s Jezzies I see more than anyone else who want to curb 1A protections in the name of preventing

You’re right. I hit pending, saw responses. Still, the responses were both elicited and respectful. Is it still mansplaining if you say “explain it to me”?

Literally nobody replied to you. You need help.

Are we going to share any outrage with the Democratic party for Clinton helping to fuck up that region and for Obama supporting the coup in Honduras?

Central America is a bipartisan clusterfuck.


Russia didn’t terrorize Ukraine, they blew up fewer Syrians than we did, and if there were an organized boycott for gay rights I’m sure she would participate.

Regardless, the moral imperative of not serving apartheid states doesn’t vanish in the face of other imperatives unfulfilled. Shill elsewhere.

I think maybe you’re missing the point, which is that the margins on plus-sized clothing will be much lower because the costs are higher, unless they charge a lot more for the plus-sized clothes — which I’m sure nobody here would complain about, right?

Clothing companies do not exist to serve you; they exist to make

The churches of every major stripe are flawed institutions, but they do at least have the benefit of a scholarly tradition that incorporates millennia of philosophical and theological inquiry, including genuinely difficult struggles like the problem of evil, the existence of suffering, etc. etc.

If you think anything’s going to get better following this administration you might want to brace yourself for upping that prescription.

And when Jezebel posts fawning reprints of Trump’s photo ops with children, I’ll note that at least they’re consistent in their hypocrisy. Not holding my breath, though.

If pointing out features of people you cherish that contradict the prevailing narrative about who they are and what they’ve done is trolling, then yes, sure.

Libya, which Clinton had quite a hand in. And lots of help to destroying Syria by training and arming Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists. This is in addition to needlessly continuing all of the conflicts he inherited, with the exception of Iraq, which was stopped only because the Iraqis were furious over the war crimes

Oh, he’s jumped on the bandwagon, but he has *a lot* of catching up to do. Hell, until he orchestrates the wanton destruction of a sovereign nation, resulting in untold carnage, mass rapes, and a failed state, he’s barely even on the charts.

This community’s enthusiastically fellating the memory of a heinous war

Wonder how many years it’s gonna take Trump to rack up Obama’s body count of children killed by drone strikes.

An eternity of photo ops won’t make up for the blood on that man’s hands.

If you were drinking cordials as a child your parents have some explaining to do.

Pleaded or pled, fine, but she wrote “after Slager plead guilty to,” which I wouldn’t expect from a college graduate, much less a journalist.

Dude, seriously. Pled.