
Seeing as I love anything by Burts Bees, Smith's Rosebud Salve (also comes in a handy tube if you like to keep your fingers clean!), and those adorable EOS spheres I'm going to have to pick up some of that Sugar and try it out.

Seeing as I love anything by Burts Bees, Smith's Rosebud Salve (also comes in a handy tube if you like to keep your

I belonged to a traditional sorority but there were just as many AA frats and sororities on my campus. As far as I know they have a similar rush, bid and pledge system. I also believe there are membership fees, although I can't say if they are "arduous" or not. Some belong to the NPHC and some do not, just like some

Real question: how do you feel about the NPHC and other historically African-American fraternities and sororities? Should they also be banned?

I love the name Lolita and would probably name one of my future children that if it wasn't for that damn book.

I love true crime shows and I'm a lady. All hope is not lost.

On the weekends I'll eat breakfast while watching the Hoarders marathon, which will inevitably lead to me over cleaning the house and throwing away a lot of stuff I don't use.

I do this. You're much better but I'm just glad I'm not alone.

Heard that.

Omg I ALWAYS sarcastically answer the random questions that commercials ask you... I thought I was the only one!

I'm VERY single and I live alone.

Holy cow I would have been BAWLING. That is some Grade A punishment right there.

When my cat wants to be fed (meaning his bowl less than 80% full) he'll start knocking things off table to get my attention. Usually when I'm sleeping. I woke up at 6am the other day to the CRASH of my jewelry box hitting the floor and that ginger bastard staring at me.


When I was interning at a high profile ad agency, the Art Director for my group outed one of the other designers to our group, behind his back. That's when I decided I probably didn't want to work there.


HOW on Earth did you leave out Lady Rose??? I'd go gay for her in a heartbeat.


This is sad, but my car is my (current) most regrettable purchase. I live really far away from my parents and my dad was in town only for short amount of time, during which the car that we owned outright (he bought it for me when I was in High School) broke down. We decided to get me a new one before he left so he


Brunch, walking the dog, grocery shopping.. you could wear that anywhere, really!