
Beef and Beers are a big thing on the white South Side/SW suburbs of Chicago (Oak Lawn, Evergreen Park, etc), usually for families of city workers. I imagine it's probably a thing wherever you have white trade/city workers in the industrial NE.

Beef and Beers are a big thing on the white South Side/SW suburbs of Chicago (Oak Lawn, Evergreen Park, etc), usually for families of city workers. I imagine it's probably a thing wherever you have white trade/city workers in the industrial NE.

you know, that's not remotely true.

you know, that's not remotely true.

I wouldn't discount the possibility that it's just a Korean film, and somebody always dies at the end of a Korean film. Or music video.

I wouldn't discount the possibility that it's just a Korean film, and somebody always dies at the end of a Korean film. Or music video.

really? what are your definitions of left and far left? who would you consider left and far left? you're just making shit up.

really? what are your definitions of left and far left? who would you consider left and far left? you're just making shit up.

this is really your shtick?

this is really your shtick?

that's the worst attempt at snide ever

that's the worst attempt at snide ever

man Carnivale was fantastic. great show that ended way too soon.

they need to do way instain Red Woman>who kill their Renlys. because these babby can't frigth back? it was on the news this mroing

methinks you need to consider how annoyingly dense your shtick is

My pary is with the Baratheon, who has lost his two kids. I am truly sorry for your lots.

Can o' corn

that has exactly 0 to do with your original, pure strain dumb-shit question.

Reply to MY comment too!

take it to stormfront, nutter.