
Yeah but in this case it was

Trump is no more or less terrifying than Bush. Bush I. He's just cruder

I'm not offended by any of this. Just saw a dumb argument

That's been untrue since the beginning of human civilization. Why have laws, norms, culture, friendships, socialization, etc? Sounds like some dorm room libertarianism right there

nobody thinks that so maybe come up with a less-bullshit distillation of opinions on this article

You are putting yourself in some rarified company by disapproving of a theoretical event and strawmanning

Xiao ji (小鸡)means 'chick', but also 'dick' in Mandarin slang

Is he really erect or something?

HELLO only Jon Snow and Sam are allowed to talk to the camera

The thing about racism is that context, not stupid logic games on the internet, is what matters.

I can't wait for him to give Dalekaren Lewis what-for over her fucking purview

I once called Rahm a union buster when I saw him at Stocks and Blondes, he told me to go fuck myself.

She's a complete nut-job neocon,. Every day she stays in her job after Rather got canned is an unambiguous rebuke to the "liberal media" trope trotted out by the geriatrics on Rascals that make up the GOP now.

K-Money has lost the farting dog market you guys. Kinda concerning?

Probably no B.L 'Nums yet. Kids need to have a childhood, you guys

This has nothing to do with "like" or "don't like". Welzein is a phenomenon outside of subjectivity. He is objectively hilarious.

You stupid fucks wouldn't know good Twitter comedy if it left a back door beefer on your keyboards. Welzein is fucking gold, all of you corncobs can go carnally pleasure yourselves.

Do we need engineers, or more capable administrators? You don't need a physics degree to understand how to run an organization

