

Wait wait wait wait: Randall Flagg is the VP? I didn't even notice. Bumpity bump.

from what I remember from the CDC episode, the guy said it could be a matter of minutes or a matter of hours.

this was not about just any old crime, this was about a security dilemma regarding the eradication of the group causing a moral dilemma.

i fail to see how skimming would allow someone to miss MAJOR SPOILERS in all caps. it would be the first thing to stand out to a skimmer.

Wait, the plot device of "zombies getting stuck in the mud" now is just "well if they really want to they can get out and destroy this farm"

Carl is the show's Clarence Carter. Wooooo SHIT Clarence Carlter!!!!!

just wanted to make an observation on the "no hope" meme that they keep talking about: this was how life was for a huge period of history. not the fact that you're constantly on the run from the undead, but the fact that life was very violent and short, and that you had to quickly decide who was "OK" for the group and

Yeah I think he'll turn out to be a very larger than life bad ass figure. I just don't get why the author keeps harping on him as  Big Bad.

How is Limehouse a big bad? He seems to be a guy that wants to keep his head down and avoid any sort of conflict, and is probably one of a very small % of people in Harlan Co. who actually aren't willing to take a shot at a Fed.

There's no way this show is "rubbish". It does logically inconsistent schlock, but masterfully.

"very, very…..slowly"

haha exactly. my first thought when seeing that fat guy go down. the invincible lawman again

You could have just said "I didn't like it" for all the explanations you gave as to why.

Has this guys seen this show before this season? Liz is entirely in character here.

They never really got around to clarifying the difference b/w the municipalities of Harlan and Bennett, although one has to assume it's in the county and not far off.

Holy crap you guys are doing Carnivale? a valuable service

I went to HS with this guy, he was funny then too.

Melba toast
