
I want ALL the Cat Grant quips captured somewhere. Somebody get on that.

I love horror and I cannot stand Don't Look Now. I've tried and tried and tried and cannot get past the flute music during sexytime.

+1 !!!!!!! for Waluigi. WAAAAHHHHHHH

I love this series so, so much. And I love the characters. Kerry + Cary 4-eva.

I'm gonna miss him on the astral plane, though.

excellent. thank you for supporting this, AV Club.

yeah! I actually got nervous at the end there. I was kind of hoping for that too!


I loved this episode (ESPECIALLY the explanation of journalism, which you could have done a long time ago, Supergirl!), but WHY WHY WHY Kevin Sorbo. I'm shocked that he agreed to join the show at all.

still on board with this show, but I'd love to see Kara actually, uh, do some reporting once in a while.


Completely not buying the Kara/Mon-El romance. Feels a little Luke and Leia to me.

Mine is a book called The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey. Good, weird science, good story, and snails.

This might sound weird, but Kubo helped me get through some awful shit this year. (Thanks, movie about dealing with grief head-on.) I plan on revisiting it many more times in 2017 as more awful shit comes up. :(

I pretty desperately want the National Geographic gardening stuff.

this is really funny because I interviewed with Adult Swim way back when (like years ago) for a marketing job.

The book is fantastic in terms of characterization, especially. Look at how Rosemary repeats the exact same speech whenever anyone asks her about Guy: "He's an actor and he's done a lot of theater and television." That's all she can say.

Dude, keep that Space Ghost CD. It's hilarious.

so interesting. thanks for posting this!

Don't harsh my mellow, AV Club. Darius + Ruby makes me really, really happy.