
I kind of loved her in The Big Short, completely sending up the whole sexiness thing.

see? it wasn't so bad.

I love that Madison's appearance hasn't changed one iota as she gets badder and badder. She looks like evil Laura Ingalls.

I love Quinn more and more with every episode. They were really good with the one-liners this time, too.

Project Runway could learn a thing or two.

Oh, no, no, no. The 2000 Bedazzled is hilarious.

Hilariously, they always wanted refunds, too. For being in the wrong state.

Still a good song, though.

So glad you posted this! I live in Salem and gave witch (and, okay, ghost) tours here for years. The amount of misinformation out there is kind of amazing.

I used to give ghost and witch tours in Salem (we were the "boring" historical tour company, which was fine by me), and at least once a year we'd get a frantic phone call in the office: "We can't find you! Our tour starts in fifteen minutes!"

Oh, somehow I read it as one of the Friday the 13th movies. Whoops!


Blah. Can someone please put Goon somewhere on this list?

I love this Q&A so much.

Non-Flash watcher here. I died laughing all throughout this episode, loved pretty much every second of it, and DVRed The Flash as soon as it was over.

<—- so tired of evangelicals directing the conversation.

I died laughing at that Jay Mohr story and MotherLover looks pretty interesting, actually.

This is brain-breaking, and thanks for dissecting it.

Took a few scenes before I recognized her. She looks so different!

#WheredoesMaxpoop is also my question. I NEED TO KNOW.