
How deadly is that rat? Whom to test to on? 🤔

She's an amateur who doesn't need to be adding a gun to the mix. Also, he maybe thought she was keeping it to use on him - or herself.

Suggests something about his attraction to Martha.

Elizabeth probably shoots down the plane herself.

It's DC in the 80s. No biggie.

no way he keeps his job. do they promote Stan? & if not, does that alienate him?

I expected Gabriel to shoot her in the back, right there in the street.

total gyp

"One More Hour" was written by Tucker for Brownstein, & how they could sing that together onstage astonishes me with their emotional maturity.

Loved Arterton so much after Byzantium … appreciate the pointer to Tamara Drewe!

She's good in this one. Only film I've seen her in.

Ugh. Not after Philip's flashback to Camp Spy.

Assuming Paige is the spy-to-be could be a big mistake.

A movie about a woman who's got some guy totally in her power thru what she knows.

Speaking of "comrade," Stan being called that tonight was all kinds of ironic. Damn this is a well written show.

No, Betty was dead from moment she heard E's real name.

And that is why I don't watch the previews.

Elizabeth seems like for the first time she might be questioning herself … but then, how can she ever, ever admit she killed Betty for a mistake?

Loved how the dark made it hard to read her eyes.

But he can thank Keri personally instead.