
These reviews are getting stupid. Easily the most effed-up episode in the entire series, & it gets a B?

Great episode. B+ is bullshit.

Oh good, not just me then.


Keep on. Which albums? New one is accessible, and The Woods is good if you like big-guitar rock.

Yeah, I'm in this thread because I read that & went, "surely someone called her out on that." Their sound changes every single time.

Somehow, I'm not entirely convinced you're sorry to be the asshole.

Yeah, I call bullshit on the SNPA. An odd lapse for a careful show.

No, Stan would have nothing to lose at that point, and giving FBI the Directorate S couple would at least keep him out of jail.

Yeah, we sure wouldn't know that from this show.

Oh god, that cracks me up!

Because he has something EVEN MORE EVIL planned for them.

I'm thinking, what if the guy Stan's wife is seeing … is Oleg??

Kids are susceptible to believing in giving all you have to the poor. Adults learn otherwise.

What parent hasn't felt like the biggest hypocrite berating their kid for being morally imperfect?

Tarantino's cameo is AWESOME in PF. He gives himself the best line in the movie: "Did you see a sign on my front lawn …."

Tarantino's cameo is AWESOME in PF. He gives himself the best line in the movie: "Did you see a sign on my front lawn …."

TTL is the bomb. I like Woolf, but nothing else she wrote is in the same order of magnitude.

TTL is the bomb. I like Woolf, but nothing else she wrote is in the same order of magnitude.

I am trying to imagine a proof of how ANY book is or is not the greatest book ever written.