
If it falls under treasure trove (which this definitely does) the state will take the find. The finder and landowner, if different people, split the money that will be paid for the find. Experts decide what they believe the find is worth, which determines the payment.

The Sure Thing is one of the funniest movies ever. So underrated.

Roger, roger, roger, roger. Oh, sorry. Where am I again?

This has been the most entertaining thread in ages.

“Dennis Weaver seen in a cheap mirror”. I’m dying over here.

Love Calder. I remember my parents heckling the Chicago Picasso back in the day. Being in your late teens, early twenties makes everything so important.

My fridge is from about 1955. It was in the hundred year old house when we bought it. That fridge is my favorite and shows no signs of stopping. It's tiny compared to what you get nowadays but i don't care, I love it.

That album was out about the time i lost my mom to cancer . I also listened to it over and over. I'm glad you're ok.:)

I discovered her in my early 20s back in the 80s. I love her so dammed much and haven’t seen her yet. I need to do something about that.

I think i just pulled something while trying to quietly guffaw at work.

I’m with you sister.

Hockey is the bloody best. (And I say that as a Jez reader).

I miss those so, so much.

Magary and Burneko. Although I’d like to see Mike Fahey over here.

My aunt was in highschool in the early 70's and I inherited her prom dresses as a teenager. One was the flowery polyester abomination and the other was a ren faire style sack of a dress. I swear to god that it was made of burlap and must have felt like an overly stiff straitjacket to wear. Nothing good came of 70's

Mine too. When I hit highschool and started picking my own outfits (total punk rocker) she about had a coronary.

Thought i was the only one who remembered him.

I make cereal and drink pop. Take that ya haters.

After a lifetime of fighting with bras(and I was only a 36/38d for most of my life) I finally tried the old fashioned Playtex Cross Your Heart style bras. No underwire and everything stays in place. I’ve been laughed at because my boobage stays up and pointing forward (god, I hate T-shirt bras) and I politely explain

My cousin’s husband is a cop in that area. I worry about them.