
Bingo. I’m trying to coin the phrase “performative parenting” wherein the actions of the parent are for the sake of an audience, not the child. Most commonly found on social media, but also found in the wild at parties, daycare pickup, the park, and any other place a parent can feel that they are being observed by

I have a Zune that I love, also. I even kept the one that crapped out because it is still so dear to my heart. No shame.

My word, he's just a BABY and I'm sure his pretentious mother wouldn't want you to . /s

It helps you start to think of the baby as a PERSON and not a thing or a pregnancy. You get to stop calling the baby “it” and call it “her” which helps you bond earlier. It really does make a difference, or at least it did for me. Now, gender reveal parties are a different story but I definitely agree with the person

SAME. I feel like that line was a trick to get me to click through to the TMZ video, which I did. Then again, it's Bobby and I trust him. He'd never play me like that.

I cried when Riki Rachtman left the show. Never was the same after that. I was too young to catch the Poorman years (Remember him? He had that Bikini Beach show on public access after he left KROQ). And, yeah, Dr. Drew seemed so awesome then.

Yes, because all abortions are exactly the same - thus, tweeting about them must be exactly the same. /s


“then you walk around feeling like you own the universe" is SPOT ON.

Have you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility (mentioned in at least one other comment thread on this article). In my circle of friends it is known as THE MAGIC BOOK. Dude, it is magic.

I AGREE. I was so mad when I finally read that book that no one had ever told me any of that stuff.

Dude - you just captured exactly what I’ve been feeling and not able to put into words. Parenting vs. Educating. Thank you.

Have you found any good Facebook groups? The group I found has been instrumental in my transition to parenthood. I’ve got friends who are moms, but it’s that FB group (and I was a member of about 5 or 6 before I found the one I love) that keeps me going. Good luck, internet friend.

I feel exactly the same way. Collecting “mom friends” seems untenable - I just want to maintain friendships with my “real” friends - the people who came to my wedding, and sent baby gifts and regularly show interest in the changes going on in my life, even though I am a jerk and don’t know that they moved/changed

thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthaaaaaaankyou (from the adult parent/mother of a one-year old)

It exists (at least in my local area) and like a good citizen, I entered my detailed information after delivering my daughter:

Same here. Such a frustrating nightmare while trying to figure out the whole “keeping a tiny, helpless human alive” thing.

You took the words out of my mouth.

DUDE. How much did Chanel pay to make this happen? That is some serious fucking product placement.