Ron Cey Say Say

Thanks Obama!

I was stuck in the hospital last week with colitis last week and would have killed to watch the Vikings-Cardinals game instead of suffering through The Big Bang Theory.

So that’s what Bison Dele was up to!

Carolina Hipsters?

After the incident, she needed to put The Big Chill on her Grand Cayon

Mike & Mike is the absolute fucking worst. Seriously, does anyone really, truly enjoy their schtick about Golic being manly because he likes to eat donuts and blow farts while Greeny is less of a man because he likes grooming and health food? Seriously, find me one person.

Blah, blah, blah... Giada’s boobs!

CTE for everyone!

Ronnie didn’t need to whack it because, well... Nancy!

I had to take a call on a commuter train, non-quiet car, and before I finished saying hello I managed to draw the ire filled glare of just about everyone in that car. Regardless, I took the call and whispered my answers throughout the next two minutes. As I was walking off I asked someone what the deal was since I

Problem I have with Frye boots is that they are not waterproof. I live in Chicago where I walk two-three miles a day even in the winter when it looks and feels like the planet Hoth. The snow/salt/water combination will eat those things up in two years.

Was Plymouth not a part of the testing? Shit’s the goods.

I hope everyone recognizes that’s from the Michigan-OSU game a few years ago. Muck Fichigan

It depends on the venue. Honestly, I haven’t seen any fights in the stands at Soldier Field in the 11 years since the renovations. In the pre-renovation days, there was a fight in the stands at every game - four or five per game when the Vikings came to town.

Now playing

I knew this article was coming, but I expected Rick Morrisey to write it.

Not sure doing live reads for Me Undies are any more shameful than taking calls on the Fresh Take hotline.

Could have been an Erik Kramer jersey, but that’s just too depressing

Clearly didn’t inherit this from mommy

Television contracts mandate 10 breaks per half, one for the 2-minute warning and one in between quarters. If the game is moving too fast, or hasn’t had enough breaks, the network will employ the Timeout Sandwich whereby a team scores, go to commercial, ensuing kick-off, go back to commercial. It’s fucking brutal, but

Ever like something, but hate everyone else who likes that thing? That is literally everything that I like. I love Dr. Who, but I can’t stand talking to anyone else who likes it. The same goes for my love of coffee, beer, physics, and the Colts.