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MAGAssholes convene for protest of Supreme Court case they don’t really know about from school or care about right now, but their parents paid for the trip. Behold the Sons of Squee and Kavanaugh.

Not gonna lie. I now have no idea what actually happened.

Fair points all, but the only commonality I ascribed to them is that both are cheered on by fucking assholes.

And the fans of both are entitled assholes who play the victim even when they win! What a time to be alive!

Perfect metaphor for America right now. Nobody but a fucking asshole wants the president we have, and nobody but a fucking asshole wants to see this team in another Super Bowl. Just one more thing to endure.

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In other news, Progressive is now dunking on Chevy’s shitty “Real People” commercials:

If you’re doing school chants in public, you deserve to have someone beat a drum loudly in your face.

Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white male.

Really? Well, start with building a wall around yourself, for you are such an incredible and unbelievable nuisance, jerk, and human being. For your sake, I hope you have this much confidence once things actually start getting real for you and the rest of the racist skidmarks and it won’t be so easy to hide behind your

That’s the smile of someone who’s ashamed of their teeth.

Do we think this would have played out differently had it been another visible minority? I think it would have been a different set of insults, delivered by the same people in the same tone.

You need your fucking teeth kicked in by an immigrant. I volunteer to do the job if we can’t find an immigrant willing to get his or her shoes filthy from your yellow-ass teeth, hillbilly. What’s your address?

Well the racists have their role model: even you can be a failure and end up as president so long as you say racist shit 

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A much longer video is making the rounds that shows a much greater amount of context:

Please self-deport yourself to whatever country your ancestors immigrated from.  This land belongs more to the Native Americans than your pasty MAGA ass

Just sayin’.

my take away from being in the states,

I hadn’t realized that Martin Shkreli and Ted Cruz had a baby. Good for them!

Oh, look at you. How cute. All sweary and insulting like a big boy! I just want to pinch your cheeks!

Most people who join gangs do so out of desperation or are forced to. This sniveling fuck chose this life.