Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

foghorn leghorn is THE MAN. and i say this as a woman

George P. Dog isn’t even the best dog! Sam was the better choice. But thank you for getting Foghorn Leghorn and Yosemite Sam into the Top 5.

Found the furry

Foghorn Leghorn first, then everyone else in a pack.  But Foghorn first.

i cant decide if daffy or foghorn leghorn should be number 1.  

I’m glad to see Foghorn Leghorn relatively high, but would still like to see him higher.  He’s my number 1. 

It’s just like my dad always says: [three minute voicemail of car noises and talk radio muffled by his pocket]

Apatovian length of 103 minutes.”

Fucking Christ, Lauren. If you’re going to report on a story, report on the WHOLE story.

LJ Scott said at media day that the team’s black players took a vote and they UNANIMOUSLY said bring him back. Please update.

This is the most biased article with almost all important details missing from the story. The TEAM voted to allow him back to play, not the university or the coach. He asked for forgiveness, and Dantonio left it up to the team to decide, saying that the American American players would be at the forefront of the

Dantonio said he had spoken to his team about Reschke’s reinstatement (which comes without a scholarship), and that the players “see no problems with that.”

Per the article:

Why did you leave out the part in quote about his african-american teammates?

Quite frankly I think in this particular instance the punishment kind of fits right? He didn’t do anything illegal. The school didn’t just give him a suspension for a few games or *gulp* suspend him for the first drive...

Why cast all the way back to when you were a teenager when you’re posting dumb shit online right now?

hmmmm. if he goes on cnn, which crazy grandpa designates as “fake news”, and tells the truth is it then a lie? if he lies, is it then the truth?  so confusing...!  🔚

Does Sports Illustrated still have the “This Week’s Sign the Apocalypse is Near” section?  Also, does SI still exist?

Lets hope he sticks to it once the inevitable series of rage tweets come spewing forth from the orange dipshit's tiny hands.