Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

Yeah, what a dumbass. Why can’t people fathom that cops in general are the ones getting called out about this, not white, black, etc. cops. people can be racist against other black people...Wtf.

I’d watch what I say about Barkley. You know what he’s capable of...

Tear it down and build a statute of a real Maryland hero:
That girl that crushed a can of beer on her head last weekend.

I must be the Lionsiest Lions fan there is. I’m boycotting the NFL this season. It’s probably the only season you’ll see anybody on Deadspin saying anything positive about the Lions, Stafford and ... CALDWELL? Are you f’ing KIDDING ME?! What is this world coming to???

If this was the NFL they’d both be suspended.

A surfers thoughts on Darwin and others like him:

I like Cousins actually, but I wouldn’t take any of them over Stafford. Cousins is at best as good as Stafford, at which point you’d pay almost as much if not as much, Bradford is Schrodinger’s QB (good when it doesn’t matter, trash when it does), Bridgewater is going to explode his knee again at some point, Garoppolo


Thank you Patrick.

I’d be shocked if Nixon didn’t have a dossier on each President’s weaknesses in case he had to fight them. I say his paranoia and wrestling heel tactics take the day.

The thing about Trump is he was old balls as soon as he came in the office. Ford was 60 (about 10 years younger) and played football (center, actually) in college. It would be cruel and unusual. Carter’s country strong. Clinton has bimbo-dicking verve and I bet he fights dirty, just all eye-gouges and knee kicks.

They are fucking.

Just because you guys are in the pocket of BIG FUCKING ON THE SUBWAY doesn’t mean you should criticize other websites for how they make money.

Ugh, I hope your mail-order bride hits the road quick. The good news for America is that people like you are an endangered species.

The man claims he has been running track since high school, and that he was never cut.

it’s time to watch pre-teens do amazing baseball things while thinking, “Hmmmm, are we sure that kid is only 12?”

Former professional goalkeeper/current goalkeeper coach at UNC Wilmington here. He’s in the correct position. His team is in possession and pressing forward. It’s his job to move forward with them, to keep the gap between himself and his last defender consistent, in order to be in good position to intercept a through

$20 sunglasses?!?!? Well laaaaa-deeee-dahhh, Mr. Zuckerberg.

You’re right. Oberon is overrated.