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They tried to play it off, and they still fucked it up.

I watch too much Seinfeld or this dude looks like Vegetable Lasagna.

I subscribe. I love the Deadcast, but that was a painful listen. Not every writer is built for "radio", I suppose.

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The Scotty Thurman rainbow dagger in Duke’s heart.

Nurkic averages 15 & 10. That’s a pretty good line. I’m sure Mario Mendoza is happy Pete Rose never publicly called him “culo”.

I think she got her wires crossed on what she thought was a charming take on the Little Mermaid.

If they really want to empower women they should just kill cheerleading altogether.

Diarrhea is the worst. Ever had your lower intestine take a strange turn while you’re in traffic? The clock is ticking. It’s level 9 anxiety. You sweat, your heart pounds. Are you going to be Keanu or Jeff Daniels?

He's a failure? FOH

The future where everyone is just cutting rasslin’ promos because it appeals to base level morons is both fantastic and sad.

I’m too old to pause on “owning a cat” and my first thought be “JFC, he killed a cat?!?!” before realizing we are talking about actual ownership here and not using bro-speak.

They must have spotted the dot on his pants.

What’s your favorite Hot Pocket, coach?

Not even considering the content of what he’s saying, dude is upset over a video game. How old is he?

I can confirm, as a former teenage minor league baseball popcorn chef, that the butter salt goes in with the oil and kernels, and if you go even a little overboard with it you're going to be eating salty garbage.

I can confirm, as a former teenage minor league baseball popcorn chef, that the butter salt goes in with the oil and

If you supplied the masses of 1987 with Post Malone’s music they would lock you up with some doctors. It goes both ways.

That looks like a pretty sweet hill to sled on. I couldn’t help but “fall" on purpose.

Mark Davis doesn’t look like an NFL owner but he certainly does look like a guy that would conduct a desperate search for a temporary home.

Does this motherfucker have some sort of disability that prevents him from recognizing his own hypocrisy?

Fuck Reggie Jackson.